FDCC Awardee Award

This FDCC award is intended to honor a member who has rendered distinguished service to the industry, to the community and who us recognized for dedication to the American ideal of free enterprise.  The award is presented at the Annual Meeting.  The recipient is chosen by the Executive Committee based upon the recommendation from the Officers.  

We are proud to recognize these past recipients:

2023......... Marc H. Harwell...................Harwell & Hurst PLLC

2022......... Michael T. Glascott...................Goldberg Segalla, LLP

2021......... Lee M. Hall...................Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC
                   Kile T. Turner..................Norman Wood Kendrick & Turner


2020......... Marc H. Harwell...................Harwell Law Group PLLC
                   Francisco Ramos..................Clarke Silverglate, P.A.
                   Gena L. Sluga.........................Christian, Dichter & Sluga
Christopher J. Rodd............Insurance Law

2018......... April A. Elkovitch................. Philadelphia Insurance Companies

2017......... Christian G. Lang................Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd

2023 Recipient
Marc H. Harwell
Marc H. Harwell