The Foundation accepts charitable contributions from anyone. A suggested annual contribution is $250 or an amount equal to one hour of billable time by a member. These contributions are used to pay for speakers, to fund CLE programs, and to help underwrite special projects of the Federation which fall within the purposes of the Foundation.

Contributions to the Foundation, in memory of deceased members, in appreciation for referrals, in honor of a member who has achieved an office in the Federation or the Foundation, or in a national organization or otherwise, are all appropriate to the purposes of the Foundation. Such funds will be utilized to achieve the purposes of the Foundation as described above. The Foundation will provide appropriate recognition of such contributions, including letters to families of deceased members and honorees, identifying the donor, unless requested otherwise by the person making the contribution to the Foundation.

All contributors will receive an acknowledgment of their contribution complying with IRS requirements and thanking them.


Click Here to Contribute



Barb Currie Scholarship

The FDCC Foundation, created this diversity scholarship, in Barb Currie's honor, and also in honor of all those spouses and significant others who do so much to support the Federation, its programs and meetings.

Barb reached out to bring people together. This scholarship, like Barb, will work to bring people into a "larger tent" of defense lawyers and corporate members by giving financial support to deserving diverse law students and, in addition, providing them an opportunity to clerk with one of the outstanding FDCC law firms or for our corporate members.

If you would like to support the Foundation and this worthwhile scholarship, please be sure to designate your donation for the Barb Currie Diversity Scholarship.


Ladder Down Program

The FDCC and the Federation Foundation are proud to announce that it has teamed with the Ladder Down program developed by FDCC members Alison Christian and Beth Fitch to create a nationwide curriculum directly tailored to the particular challenges female lawyers face in today’s business environment. Ladder Down has graduated over 100 students in the four years since its inception and its momentum continues to grow. By teaming with the FDCC and the Foundation, Ladder Down is capable of expanding to additional cities and making this incredible program available to more women lawyers across the country. Ladder Down is a one of a kind program that will be run exclusively by the FDCC and the Foundation. Ladder Down is a full year program devoted solely to the professional development of female lawyers. The first city wherethe FDCC and Foundation will launch the national Ladder Down program is San Francisco beginning in 2017, and Charleston, South Carolina to follow in 2018.

Ladder Down provides specific training to female lawyers in several areas including (1) improving leadership and empowerment; (2) learning the best practices for business development; (3) enhancing the ability to self-promote; and (4) learning how to pay it forward to other women lawyers.The Ladder Down program includes two sessions on leadership training geared toward increasing emotional intelligence through self-awareness, taught by Lynn Moran, former President of Ethel M Chocolates. The next stage in the Ladder Down program is a four-month business development boot-camp lead by the Women Lawyers’ Coach, Marianne Trost. These core sessions are rounded out with panel discussions like “Judicial Perspectives: Wisdom from the Bench,” “What You Don’t Know: Candid Conversations with Corporate Counsel,” and “What Men Really Think.” While these discussions undoubtedly spark a nerve or two, the objective (i.e. open, honest, productive dialogue) is embraced by all. The monthly small group accountability sessions set Ladder Down apart from other programs and provide a forum through which individual goals can be established and attained. This consistent, guided training has proven to be a demonstrated agent for change.

The FDCC and the Foundation look forward to working with our members to make the Ladder Down program a success for years to come.