The Foundation Fellow Program was established in 2003 in order to recognize those members who went a step beyond the usual contribution to support the Foundation. Various levels of additional giving are provided. Those levels are open to all members. Members who have already made contributions to the Foundation Fellows' Program will receive credit towards the next level. That credit accumulates to permit and encourage members to continue their giving as they progress through the levels of recognition. The levels are:

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No matter which level of contribution is paid or pledged, Fellows are entitled to the designation at their highest level and may continue at that level and be designated as such in the Federation Roster, the Annual Report of the Foundation, and the FDCC website. Any other contributions by a member may not be used as part of the Fellows' program, but all Fellows and members are encouraged to continue making annual contributions as may be appropriate or as suggested, i.e., one hour of billable time per year


We are proud to recognize the current Fellows of the Foundation.

Benjamin Acosta, Jr.
Robert Adams
Helen Alford
Robert Allen
T. Eugene Allen, III (EFF)
Victor Anderson, III (EFF)
Terry Ansnes
Robert Babcock (SFF)
Charles Baker, III
Steven Barney (PFF)
David Bell
Caroline Berdzik
April Berman

Lawrence Borys
Stacy Broman (EFF)
Douglas Brown
Alan Brown (PFF)
Janet Brown (SFF)
Raymond Brown, Jr.
Maxwell Brusky (SFF)
Matthew Cairns (EFF)
Richard Caldwell
James Campbell
Sheila Carmody

Christopher Carroll
Vincent Castiglione

Bruce Celebrezze (SFF)
James Chapman (SFF)
Daniel Chesire (SFF)
Robert Christie (PCF)
James Clancy (SFF)

Ronald Clark
David Clinton
Lewis Collins, Jr. (PFF)
Francisco Colon-Pagan (SFF)
Robert Cooper
Richard Coyne

F. Thomas Cordell (PFF)
Stephen Cozen (SFF)
John Craver

Colin Croly (SFF)
John Cromie

Gray Culbreath
Edward Currie (PCF)
Lauren Curtis (SFF)
Robert Dapper

Thomas Davis
Robert Dewey, Jr. (PFF)
Andrew Downs (SFF)
Robert Draper

Richard Dukes (SFF)

Walter Dukes (SFF)
David Dunbar
April A. Elkovitch

William Ewald
William Fanter (EFF)
Steven Farrar (PCF)
John Fitts
Morton Forbes
Robert Foster, Jr. (SFF)
David Fuqua
H. Mills Gallivan (PFF)
Alexander Galloway, III
Mel Garofalo

J. Ric Gass
Frank Gassler (EFF)
Peter Glaessner (SFF)
Michael Glascott (PFF)
Heidi Goebel (PCF)

David Governo (SFF)
Gerald Green
Sean Griffin (SFF)

Susan E. Gunter
Victor Halbach, Jr.
Lee Hall (SFF)

Marc Harwell (EFF)
Bernd Heinze (SFF)
Daniel Herling (SFF)
James Hiers, Jr.
Douglas Houser
Clark Hudson
Robert Hunter
Lynne Ingram
Michael Jenks
Jennifer Johnsen (SFF)
C. Michael Johnson (SFF)
Frederick Johs
Edward Kaplan (PFF)
Marvin Karp
Amy Kempfert
Michael Kiernan
Dan Kohane (PFF)
Scott Kreamer (PCF)
Deborah Kuchler (SFF)
Yuk Law
Jean Lawler (PFF)

William Leedom

J.K. Leonard
Robert Lockwood

Elizabeth Lorell (EFF)
Michael Lucey (EFF)
Janet Lynch
Richard Mahoney
Reid Manley
Craig Marvinney (PCF)
Wayne Mason (PFF)
George McCall
Daniel McCune (SFF)
Daniel McGrath (SFF)
Sarannah McMurtry

Howard Merten (EFF)
Amy Miletich (EFF)

Michelle Miller
Matthew Moffett (PCF)
Robert Moore (SFF)
Ramiro Morales

Alycen Moss
Robert Murphy
Donald Myles, Jr. (PFF)
Michael Neil (SFF)
Michael Nelson (SFF)
Jane North (PFF)

Fred Ober
Barbara O’Donnell
Dudley Oldham
Michael Orlando
Leslie Packer
J. Crisman Palmer
G. Bruce Parkerson
Stephen Pasarow (PFF)
Stephen Pate
Ted Perryman
Diane Polscer (SFF)
Susan Popik (EFF)
Timothy Pratt (PCF)
Brett Preston (PCF)
Paul Price (PFF)
F. Robert Radel, II
John Rahoy
Francisco Ramos

Todd Raskin
Kurtis Reeg (PFF)
Hugh Reynolds, Jr.

Terrence Ridley
Richard Righi

Jack Riley, Jr.

Todd A. Roberts (PFF)
Vicki Roberts (PFF)
Ronald Robinson
William Roedder, Jr. (PFF)
Amy Rubin
Alan Rutkin
L. Johnson Sarber, III
Michael Schroder
John Scott, Jr. (SFF)

Michael Scott (PFF)
Thomas Segalla
James Semple
Michael Shalhoub
Don Smith
Vicki Smith (SFF)

Roy Stacy
Casey Stansbury (PFF)

Christian Steinmetz, III
Cooper Thurber
Sarah Timberlake (PFF)
William Toles (EFF)
Marisa Trasatti

Richard Traub (PCF)
John Trigg (SFF)
John Trimble

Richard Tynan
Jeffrey Van Volkenburg

Gregory Varga
Debra Varner (PFF)

James Varner (SFF)
William Vita
Dennis Wade
Joyce Wang
Michael Watts
John Wilkerson
Thomas Williams
Roxanne Wilson
John Woodard, III (PCF)
Linda Woolf (SFF)
Marc Young (PFF)
David Zizik (SFF)
David Zuber (SFF)