Lifetime Achievement Award

We are proud to recognize these past recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Award:

2023........John R. Woodard, III.............. Coffey, Senger & Woodard, PLLC

2022........Dan D, Kohane...............  Hurwitz & Fine, PC

2021........Susan M. Popik...............  Special Active Member

2020.........D. Dudley Oldham.........  Norton Rose Fulbright

John “Jack” Trigg.............. Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell LLP

2018......... Marvin L. Karp.................... Ulmer & Berne, LLP

2017.........D. Dudley Oldham.............. Norton Rose Fulbright

2016......... Douglas G. Houser.............Bullivant Houser Bailey, PC

2023 Recipient

John R. Woodard, III