The FDCC's Strategic Objectives

In 2020, the Federation and its Board of Directors and Officers engaged in a dynamic process to bring greater vision and value to the membership and the organization. This included specifically delineating the purpose of the FDCC and examining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the organization and members engaged in various disciplines and the clients and industries they serve. Through questionnaires, discussions and in person meetings the Strategic Plan enumerated below was developed and is being implemented by the FDCC Team at Headquarters, Committees and Board Members, in conjunction with a special Committee to ensure the foundational principles and performance in achieving our tactical objectives are achieved.


Enhance the Incremental Value of Membership

Our highest priority and focus remain on relentlessly working to improve and refine the value of membership. We regard our members as integral stakeholders in the mission of the FDCC and their dues are an investment which should pay them dividends. Together, these ensure the Federation will continue to achieve its purpose to provide a positive return and advance its guiding principles.

Consistent & Informative Communications

FDCC Communications shall be intentional and utilize all various print, electronic and social media channels as deemed prudent to reach and influence the various demographics of the membership and profession. They shall also consistently reflect and increase visibility of the Federation’s respected brand and the inspired passion of members, including exposure for the members themselves, and on what the Federation does in achieving its mission and cause. 


Advocating Justice, Civility and Integrity

As part of its mission, the FDCC will advocate positions on relevant federal and state cases and appeals; legislation, administrative and regulatory efforts; in any matters challenging the fairness of and access to justice; where members are or may be impacted; and where the civility and integrity of the profession can be advanced.


Enhancing Our Cutting-Edge Intellectual Capital

The deep bench strength of the Federation’s collective membership allows members to share their knowledge and resources with their colleagues. This will be advanced at FDCC meetings, webinars, on-line programs, events and Continuing Legal Education sessions to foster the intellectual capital of the membership and, thereby, the profession.


Intentional Membership Recruiting

Membership recruitment and development are key strategic initiatives to sustain the Federation into the future. The Federation’s composition and leadership must mirror the clients and colleagues of our members, as well as the judges and juries in front of whom members are entrusted to appear. 


Sustainable Stewardship

An integral component of any strategic plan is the financial, corporate governance, succession planning and administrative stewardship of the enterprise and its leadership. The FDCC will continue to operate the Federation in a precedential, competent, transparent and fiscally responsible manner.